The Plot
Will Atenton (Daniel Craig), his wife, Libby (Rachel Weisz), and two daughters, Trish and Dee Dee, have recently moved to a new house.
At first, the family lives there happily but soon Will's children start seeing a man watching the house from the front yard, and Will and Libby find evidence that something has happened to the house's previous owners.
Will eventually discovers that, 5 years prior, a woman named Elizabeth and her daughters Beatrice and Katherine were murdered; her husband, Peter Ward, was the main suspect, but he was let off because of lack of evidence and mentally wasn't able to face trial.
Will comes to believe that Peter Ward is stalking his family, and starts searching for more information about him.
Dream House
Dream House is a 2011 American psychological thriller written by David Loucka directed by Jim Sheridan and starring Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, and Marton Csokas.
It was released on September 30, 2011 in the United States and Canada by Universal Pictures and Morgan Creek Productions.
The Plot
Will Atenton (Daniel Craig), his wife, Libby (Rachel Weisz), and two daughters, Trish and Dee Dee, have recently moved to a new house.
At first, the family lives there happily but soon Will's children start seeing a man watching the house from the front yard, and Will and Libby find evidence that something has happened to the house's previous owners.
Will eventually discovers that, 5 years prior, a woman named Elizabeth and her daughters Beatrice and Katherine were murdered; her husband, Peter Ward, was the main suspect, but he was let off because of lack of evidence and mentally wasn't able to face trial.
Will comes to believe that Peter Ward is stalking his family, and starts searching for more information about him.
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