Loreen - We got the power (New song 2013)

Jean Elan


Jean Elan

So...funny thing... I received a message from Jean Elan in Soundcloud, in private. 
First i thought it was a virus/trojan of some kind, firstly because I had the music attached and I had the music to hear on my PC (now it's on my Iphone and it's a good track to hear on the Gym).

It was no virus/trojan, it was the real thing, so they (THANK YOU!!) sended me this web episode so I could hear and put on the Website.

About Jean:

I really love Jean Elan's music... he's a Dj and had worked with several artists specially (and i know this is the case) worked with Cosmo (Klein... *big smile*).

Jean don't have a profile on Wikipedia (which I will take of that later) and i need to research more about him.

Jean's webpage

Some of his known videos

The Track that you now can hear on Soundcloud

Big Thank you Jean Elan ;)